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Have you opted to supply artwork?
If you have not already uploaded your artwork a further file upload link for this order will be located on the Thank you / order confirmation page (after checkout). The link is to our dedicated file upload service.
These instructions not applicable to our personalise online products - for these your design will be sent to us automatically with your order.
Or have you used the design tool for your artwork?
If so - great all sorted you can now proceed to checkout.
Or email us
Or you can email us your artwork (files 10mb) or less to via our contact page.
Or send later
You can access our file upload service at any time in Quick links on the footer section of each page. Or use your own file upload service, address to: -
Will I see a proof before printing?
If you are sending artwork to us -Yes we will send you a proof for your approval before printing. We will also inform you of any issues or problems with the artwork and will not print before letting you know about any quality concerns that we have.
For personailse online products once you've ordered and paid what you've approved here will be put straight into production.